In 2001, a study on falls indicated that millions of adults aged 65 and older fall. Many of these falls cause significant injury and increase our possibility of early death. Falls are NOT a natural part of aging, and thankfully can largely be prevented. Preventing a fall is our best resource for avoiding common injuries in older adults: fractures of the hip, spine, ankle, leg, forearm, hand, upper arm, and pelvis. Men and women fall, but men are more likely to die from falls. Many people who have one fall develop a fear of falling that creates additional anxiety, which can, in fact, lead to more falls, so it is vitally important to attend to prevention measures mentioned herein! A senior living community will also help you with fall prevention and overall safety.
Many modern conveniences of society contribute to a greater probability of falling that we didn’t have just a generation ago. Access to a greater variety and strength of alcohol, medications that cause dizziness or drowsiness, combinations of certain medications, and drinking alcohol while taking medications can have a significant impact on our fall risk. A less active lifestyle contributes to leg and hip muscles atrophy and balance problems, both of which increase the likelihood of a fall. Glasses with multi-vision segments can create difficulty in walking and contribute to falls. Diets low in Calcium intake contribute to bone degradation and raise the possibility of falling. Obviously, poor lighting in our homes, rugs, cords, and low lying articles of furniture or clutter contributes to unnecessary falls.
It is important to stay active, exercise regularly, and eat properly to avoid the consequences of falling and reduce our risk of injury or accidental death. The team at Hidden Meadows On The Ridge assists all our residents in eliminating fall risks in the home and recommending exercise and diet regimens that improve our chances of staying nimble on our feet! Joining a regularly scheduled program of exercise such as provided through our senior living programs promotes weight-bearing activities and strengthening activities will improve your functioning and eliminate another risk of falling. Our exercise programs start precisely where you are and get more challenging over time to improve your strength and balance.
Getting your eyes checked yearly is vitally important, and asking your eye doctor to give you glasses used for walking and glasses used for reading can be very helpful.
Osteoporosis screening as an older adult is highly recommended. Osteoporosis is a disease that robs our bones of calcium, making them more porous and brittle, and increasing susceptibility to fracture. Fracture prevention exercises may be recommended by your physician and contribute significantly to a decrease in the likelihood of a fall.
Obviously adding grab bars inside and outside the shower, as well as around the toilet and railings on both sides of the stairs assists greatly in reducing falls in high-risk areas! Proper lighting in our homes is a must. Let’s get rolling and stay upright! Remember, we don’t have to fall just because we get older.
To learn about available amenities at our senior living community, contact Hidden Meadows On The Ridge today at 267.406.6161.