Delaying the progression of dementia is not an easy task. It requires a lot of research and effort from your side and your loved ones. Many factors need to be considered while dealing with this problem. You should always keep in mind that dementia is not just a memory loss problem. Still, it also affects the overall personality of an individual, which can lead to severe consequences if left untreated for long periods. If you want to delay or even reduce the risk of developing dementia in memory care activities in North Wales, PA, then you must take some practical steps in doing so:
Create A Comfortable Environment
Dementia patients have a harder time than others when it comes to adjusting to new surroundings and situations. If you’re in charge of their care, try to make sure that they are as comfortable as possible. This can be accomplished by creating a familiar environment, such as decorating the room with pictures from home or playing music they like while they eat dinner. It also helps if there are no surprises; always let them know what’s coming next, so they don’t feel overwhelmed by it all at once (e.g., “We’re going outside tomorrow”).
Keep Engaged In Daily Activities
The most important thing you can do is to keep your loved one engaged in daily activities, even if it’s just for a short time. If they can get out of bed, dress, and have breakfast before heading off to work or school, this will help them feel like they still have some control over their lives.
Keep track of what you loved one likes doing best, such as reading books or watching television shows they enjoy. Try to incorporate these activities into their daily routine so that they don’t feel left out from participating with other family members who may also enjoy these pastimes (and vice versa).
Eat Healthy Food And Go For Regular Check-Ups
Eating healthy food is a great way to prevent dementia. You want to eat only a little sugar or processed foods, which can lead to memory problems. Also, if you have an appointment with your doctor or dentist, make sure you go! We all know how easy it is for us all delay doctor’s appointments until it gets too late, but if there’s something wrong with our health or dental hygiene, then we need them checked out as soon as possible so that they can be fixed before they become more severe issues down the road.
Reading And Writing
Reading and writing are two activities that can help delay the progression of dementia. Reading is an excellent way to keep your mind active and sharp, while writing helps you remember important information.
Reading: Reading is a great way to keep your mind active and stimulated, which can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia from worsening. It also improves communication skills, so if you want someone who has trouble communicating verbally or understanding what others are saying, reading out loud with them can be helpful! Writing: Writing things down on paper helps us remember better than just saying something out loud because when we write things down, they stick in our minds better than if we only spoke them into existence.
Sense Memory Engaging
Sense memory engagement is a great way to help your loved one recall memories. It’s also known as “episodic memory.” This means it helps them remember events from their past.
When engaging in sense memory activities, you want to make sure that they can see and hear everything around them. For example, if you’re going through old photo albums together, be sure that they can see the pictures clearly-no squinting! If this is not possible (because their eyesight isn’t what it used to be), get up close so they can see better.
We hope that you’ve found this list of activities helpful. Remember, the key to helping your loved one stay engaged with the world around them is to find something they enjoy doing and keep doing it! The more often they do an activity, the more likely their brain will remember how to do it well.